Sunday 24 October 2010

Treble clefs & Oyster catchers...

This piece was done for a lady who wanted to  give her daughter a special present for her fortieth birthday.
 Her daughter was called Angharad and she was a musician who loved Oyster catchers. 
As you can see I managed the treble clef and even her name (this photo was taken before I  chain stitched Angharad  around a flower) as for the Oyster catcher as beautiful as they are I just couldn't manage to fit it on without it looking ....odd!
I hope you are enjoying Autumn as much as I am. I think it is my favourite time of year.
A season of conkers, crochet and casseroles. m m m m m m h!


  1. really very nice I love to see a treble clef it gives me a warm tingly feeling. The piece is very beautiful...and I absolutely agree with you Autumn is a wonderful season..All the textures and shapes of the world become more defined and richer in colour don't you think?

    I would hazard a guess that this is due to the position of the sun in the sky and the angle of the rays that hit the earths surface, but that would only be a wild guess @;) x

  2. Is it not because the sun is lower creating longer shadows and the earth cooler creating less mistiness???? I just know that I like it a lot :D x

  3. That is very pretty Julie!!

    I miss seeing your crafting on Monday mornings! Now all I see is my absurdly hairy lecturer, rambling on about something boring!!!
